The Pre-engagement is the second step of the GIF Due Diligence process after the Application. It aims to ensure that the “GIF Responsible Organization” claim is understood and the process for validation activities can be achieved (ISO 17029).
Firstly, the Validation Body conducts a detailed review of the documents submitted by the applicant. Then, the Validation Body verifies the Materiality Matrix and the Self-Assessment prepared and submitted by the organization.
In conclusion, the Validation Body takes the decision whether the Organization is eligible to receive the Site Assessment and issues a Registration Number before starting the assessment activity.
The Materiality Assessment, conducted by the organization, aims to identify what are, in the specific context, the significant aspects able to affect decisions and judgment of the Organization and its stakeholders and to prioritize such aspects.
The organization can prepare its own Materiality Matrix or using the standard form provided by the Validation Body.


At the same time, the Applicant shall complete the Self-Assessment to:
- Familiarize with the GIF Framework and scoring system
- Understand how the organization deployed the ESG strategy.
- Identify the link between “approaches” and “ESG risk exposure”.
- Gain an insight on the areas for improvement.
- Prepare the Assessment against the GIF Framework
The Self-Assessment tool is provided by the Validation Body and allows an organization to assign the score to every area of the GIF Framework.
The support of a GIF AP Practitionner is recommended to facilitate the Organization in preparing the Self Assessment.
Engagement & planning
Firstly, the Validation Body and the Applicant sign a contractual agreement for the provision of validation and ESG risks assessment activities. In other words the agreement confims that the Organization engages the Validation Body to undertake validation activities.
After that, the Validation Body will assign the Assessment Team and confirm the timing and the arrangements with the Organization.
Secondly, the Assessment Team will prepare and communicate to the Customer the Assessment Plan