Barbara Strozzilaan 374
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1083 NH
The Netherlands
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GRESB is a mission-driven and industry-led foundation that provides actionable and transparent environmental, social and governance (ESG) data to financial markets.
We collect, validate, score, and independently benchmark ESG data to provide business intelligence, engagement tools, and regulatory reporting solutions for investors, asset managers, and the wider industry.
GRESB provides a rigorous methodology and consistent framework to measure the ESG performance of individual assets and portfolios based on self-reported data. Performance assessments are guided by what investors and the wider industries consider to be material issues, and they are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate Agreement and major international reporting frameworks.
Established by small group of investors in 2009, GRESB is now used by 150 institutional and financial investors to monitor investments, engage with managers and make informed decisions.
Today, the portfolios of more than 2,000 real estate companies, REITs, funds and developers – and more than 800 infrastructure funds and asset operators – participate in GRESB Assessments. This broad market coverage provides investors with ESG data and benchmarks for more than $8.8 trillion worth of assets under management.
Through a GRESB Membership, data is reported to the relevant GRESB Assessment each year on a regular cycle and are validated by a third party and scored before being used to generate the following ESG benchmarks for the industry:
- Real Estate Benchmark
- Real Estate Development Benchmark
- Infrastructure Fund Benchmark
- Infrastructure Asset Benchmark
Each year, GRESB publishes the global aggregated benchmark data showing the state of ESG in the industry. The benchmark itself evolves over time, ensuring that scores reflect relative performance and evolving sustainability expectations.