MASE (Ministy of Environment and Energy Security)
Via Cristoforo Colombo, n. 44
ZIP Code
WEB site
The Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security – MASE – plays a key role in the Government’s activity aimed at protecting the environment. The action of the MASE is aimed at safeguarding the territory and water resources, terrestrial and marine ecosystems, animal and plant species at risk, the reclamation of areas and watercourses, the reduction of sources of pollution and emissions of climate-changing gases, in the context of the challenge of global warming. The Ministry guarantees the security of energy and geomining infrastructures and systems, supply, efficiency and competitiveness, and the promotion of renewable energy.
It promotes good practices and environmental education, the circular economy, sustainable mobility and urban regeneration. The Ministry exercises similar joint control (with the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure) over Sogesid S.p.a.; it also plays a role of guidance and supervision over the activities of the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), the Energy Services Manager (GSE), SOGIN (Nuclear Plant Management Company); it exercises supervision over the national natural heritage in the terrestrial and marine areas (national parks, marine protected areas, basin authorities, environmental and regulation consortia of the great lakes).
Through a series of organizational rearrangements, the public decision-maker has strengthened the tools available to the political authority over time, redefining functions and tools, also in light of the investments envisaged in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). In this context, the constitutional reform, which in February 2022 provided for the explicit inclusion of environmental protection in our Constitution, affirmed the relevance of environmental issues in the hierarchy of interests protected by the State. The new Constitutional Charter also highlights the centrality of sustainable development for the younger generations.