The Governance system of the “Get It Fair – GIF ESG Rating and reporting assurance” scheme has been designed and implemented to prevent the exposure to risks of conflicts of interest and to ensure high indepencence of each party involved in its management.
The scheme owner, intended as “Organization(s) responsible for developing and maintaining a CAS – Conformity Assessment Scheme” (IAF MD25) is the legal entity and IAF Member:
Holonic Network – Via Washington 96 – 20146 Milan (Italy).
- Preparing, maintaining and communicating the general programme regulations
- Engaging Stakeholders in the programme development
- Managing, publishing and periodically reviewing the GIF Framework
- Establishing and reviewing procedures as regards the validation process
- Setting criteria and rules for independent validation bodies accreditation
- Monitoring the validation bodies accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17029
- Providing validation bodies with awareness and training programmes
- Setting rules for certifying GIF AP professionals and making them publicly availabl
- Setting rules for granting the right to use the GIF Responsible Organization logo and label.
- Developing SW app suppoting the assessment planning and conduction
- Monitoring the entire system
- Making publicly available and promoting the “GIF Responsible Organizations”

The Scheme Owner is supported by the following bodies:
In 2021 the scheme has been submitted to Accredia (italian accreditation body signatory of a EA/IAF MLA agreement and IAF Member) and evaluated for accreditation purposes in accordance with ISO/IEC 17029 and the procedure specified in the document Accredia PG-13-01.
Scheme Owner signed with Accredia a MOU aiming to provide the interested parties with confidence of:
- Accreditation of CABs (Conformity Assessment Bodies) against the standard ISO/IEC 17029 and the Get It Fair programme
- Monitoring the CABs’ activity
In 2023 the Scheme Owner signed a MOU with Diligentia ETS and assigned to this association the duties of:
- promoting the scheme and support its partners
- approving accredited Validation Bodies (and making publicly available the updated list)
- training professional to become GIF APs (Accredited Professional) Assessors and Technical Experts
- making publicly available the updated list of certified GIF AP
- promoting the list of GIF Responsible Organizations worldwide
GIF APs are professional meeting specific criteria, completing a training programme and certified by third party body accredited against ISO/IEC 17024 and the GIF AP Credentialing system. Validation Bodies can only appoing certified GIF AP Assessors and GIF AP TE (Technical Experts) to conduct the Due Diligence activity.
Only Accredited Bodies accredited according to ISO/IEC 17029 and this Programme are authorized to plan and conduct the validation process within the programme. A CAB is autonomous and liable for the decision of granting the GIF Responsible Organization validated claim.
In 2024, the Scheme adopted the IESBA Code of Ethics to strenghten the independence and ethics of Validation Bodies.