In 2023 the Scheme Owner signed a MOU with Diligentia ETS (Italian Association for corporate responsibility and sustainable development), an independent and non profit organization, to assign the role of Programme Operator.

The overall role of the Programme Operator is to promote the Get It Fair programme and support Conformity Assessment Bodies by providing training to GIF AP Practitioner and GIF AP Assessors.

Diligentia ETS has the responsibility of carrying out the following tasks:

  • promoting the Get It Fair ESG rating and reporting assurance scheme
  • support its partners
  • approving Accredited Validation Bodies (and making publicly available the updated list)
  • training professional to become GIF APs (Accredited Professional) Assessors and Technical Experts
  • making publicly available the updated list of certified GIF AP Assessors and GIF AP Practitioners
  • making publicly available the official list of validated “GIF Responsible Organization”
  • promoting the list of GIF Responsible Organizations worldwide