The Get It Fair programme is designed to provide organizations and their Stakeholders with accurate, reliable and credible sustainability information in the form of ESG rating and sustainability report.

Get It Fair enables to differentiate organizations by means of:
- “GIF Responsible Organization” ethical claim to improve the company’s brand image and reputation.
- “ESG Rating validation” to strengthen the fund raising and increase visibility for investors and bank.
- “GIF Ethical Label” to attract responsible consumers
- “Sustainability reporting assurance” to provide stakeholders with verified sustainability information under acceditation
- “Publication” to support the worldwide promotion of the organization and its products
Bank, insurance and financial
“Get If Fair” enables organizations to attract equity or debts financing by providing banks, insurance and financial institutions implementing responsible investment strategies with:
- forward looking ESG risks information
- verified materiality
- assured sustainability report
- compliance with regulations
- scoring oriented rating

Buyers and brands
Get It Fair enables buyers to implement responsible sourcing practices by:
- improving the reliability and accuracy of pre-qualification processes
- mitigating risks due to non-financial issues (brand protection, supply chain disruptions, fines and litigations)
- reducing costs (vendor rationalization, reduced administration, total cost of ownership)
- increasing revenues (service differentiation, access to new markets, competitive advantage)
- extending the product stages covered by an ethical label
- exceeding compliance with emerging rules
“GIF Responsible Organization” claim and “GIF Ethical Label” is a powerfull marketing tool enabling organization to attract customers and consumers preferring responsible consumption by:
- selecting brands and product from classic competition (product, quality, superior service, and price)
- improving brand reputation and image
- getting validated claim at the point of sale
- increasing transparency and reliability of information
- reducing marketing costs (social responsibility pays)
- justifying premium pricing

Workers and their representatives
The “GIF Responsible Organization” mark provides employees and workers with evidence of the employer commitment towards a safe and suitable working environment, respect of Human Rights and pursuit of fair labour practices
Local community
Get It Fair provides communities with reliable information on the competitive behaviour and fairness of local organizations
Public Bodies and Authorities
Get It Fair facilitates responsible organizations when communicating to Public Bodies and Authorities their contribution to the UN Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Developement Goals
Employers’ organisations
Get It Fair allows employeers’ associations to strengthen the reputation and image of their associated members and better communicate their contribution to sustainable development.