A Reviewer verifies the Assessment Report prepared by the Lead Assessor.
Firstly, the reporting review consists of a cross check whether the evidence gathered at site clealy support the statements. Secondly, the reviewers verify the coherence between the statements, the evidences and the score per area.
In addition, the Reviewer may ask Lead Assessor to provide with further clarification and information.
To conclude, the reviewers prepare the Final Assessment report and submit it to the Scheme Committee.
The Validation Body has the liability of taking the final Decision whether granting the GIF Responsible Organization validated claim.
With this result, the Final Assessment Report becomes the supporting document for the Claim Validation, the Non-Financial Report and the Ethical Label.
In conclusion, the GIF Due Diligence process is designed and implemented to minimize the risk of deviation among ESG risk evaluation conducted by different Teams across the world.