Get It Fair “ESG Rating scheme” is a multi-stakeholder programme bringing together Italian and international organizations (Institutions, Associations, Academies, Media, NGOs, ) joining hands to collectively promote social responsibility and sustainable development.
All G.I.F. FAM (Family) members collaborate for achieving joint goals and making the programme more responsible and inclusive. On the other hand, Get It Fair comes to complement the role of each stakeholder.
This approach strenghtens the programme acceptance, credibility and reputation.
G.I.F. FAM members
The G.I.F. FAM includes organizations and professionals members of the Association and grouped as follow:
Approved Validation Bodies are third party bodies:
- accredited according to ISO 17029 and the Get It Fair programme by signatory members of the international network of Accreditation Bodies (such as Accredia) under the international Mutual Recognition Agreements on basis of the international standard ISO/IEC 17011, along with Regulation EC 765/2008 for EU accreditation bodies
- approved by, and supporting members of, the Programme Operator

Organizations (Associations, Consultants, ecc.) officially recognized by the Programme Operator for their committment in the field of social responsibility and ESG risks for sustainable development by the mean of:
- managing initiatives (e.g. research, studies, education, co-marketing, projects, awards, etc.) in collaboration with Get It Fair
- providing services related to Get It Fair (information, consulting, etc.)
- recognizing Get It Fair as official program for ESG Rating and Corporate Sustainability Reporting certification
Organizations (Italian Chambers of Commerce, Associations, NGOs, etc.) playing an active role in promoting social responsibility for sustainable development and the GIF ESG Rating scheme in their own country by the mean of:
- information and awareness initiatives
- promotion of approved training courses
- organization of events and initiatives in collaboration with the Programme Operator
- special projects
Highly skilled and experienced professionals recognized for specific activites within the Get It Fair program. Every GIF AP credential requires professionals to complete an official GIF AP training courses and pass a comprehensive written exam to perform one or more of the following roles:
- GIF AP Practitionner
- GIF AP Assessor
- GIF AP TE Social
- GIF AP TE Health, Safety, Environment
- GIF AP TE Governance and Business Ethics
Academies are training centers qualified within the scheme to promote and deliver course meeting the highest quality standards. The programme operator conducts the qualification process according to the following criteria:
- recognized experience in providing training in the field of social responsibility and sustainability
- promotion and delivery of recognized courses under licence
- only qualified faculties within the GIF AP credentialing system conduct courses.