FS Group
P.zza della Croce Rossa 1
ZIP Code
WEB site
The FS Italiane Group is at the centre of the country’s mobility system, playing a key role in Italy’s relaunch and development with a view to integrating diverse infrastructure and modes of transport, all in the pursuit of sustainability.
With more than 92,000 employees, over 10,000 trains per day, 1 billion train and bus passengers per year and 45 million tonnes of freight annually, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane is a leader in passenger and freight transport by rail.
The railway network operated by Rete Ferroviaria Italiana extends 16,800 kilometres, of which some 700 kilometres are dedicated to High Speed services. The Group also operates a road network of around 32,000 kilometres. The context of reference and the significant trends at an international level require a strong discontinuity and the definition of a 10-year strategy, able to look at new works in their entire cycle – from design to realisation.
The ten-year horizon will enable the Group to meet the major challenges that await it, starting with a new and different demand for passenger mobility and an efficient logistics chain to support the modal shift in favour of rail.
In addition, the Group’s activities must face a context of rising inflation, the development and recovery of specific professional skills, increasingly extreme weather events that emphasise the relevance of environmental sustainability plus infrastructure maintenance and resilience, along with the growing role of digital and connectedness in infrastructure.
Redefining the governance and reviewing the organisation of the FS Group are prerequisites for achieving the challenging goals that Ferrovie dello Stato has set for itself. The new organisational structure shall enhance the potential of the various Group companies and their synergies.