Approved Validation Body
Approval Number
Certification and inspection body
Via De Castilla 10
WEB Site
ICMQ aims to be the Italian reference point for certification and inspection in the construction sector.
ICMQ operates in compliance with international, European and Italian standards which regulate the activities of certification bodies, and strives to provide an extremely high quality service. To this end it uses a policy of high specialisation within its own structure, follows regulatory processes, encourages and collaborates with the drafting of guides for application, specific regulations and check lists in the relevant sectors, ensures that its employees are adequately trained, and pursues client satisfaction and continual improvement in its services.
ICMQ’s credibility as a leading certification body in the construction industry is the result of the expertise and impartiality it has always displayed. This impartiality is further guaranteed by analysis and management of potential conflicts of interest which may arise in consequence of the firm’s activities. This is why ICMQ has created, and maintains, an up-to-date analysis of threats to impartiality, and has established a Committee whose job is to evaluate its behaviour.
ICMQ has also adopted the Organisational Model set down in legislative decree 231/2001, concerning the legal responsibilities of firms: a further guarantee to the market and the authorities of its correct practice.
Moreover, ICMQ is committed to promoting the culture and application of quality systems, product control systems, environmental management systems and health and safety at work; also the certification of professionals, inspection and certification procedures in the field of sustainability through workshops, training courses, conferences and publications. ICMQ encourages collaboration with other European bodies in order to set up reciprocal arrangements based on effective and homogeneous operational models. In order to define, measure and progressively improve quality standards in the activity to be certified, ICMQ carries out programmes to:
- extend and maintain accreditation for the various lines of certification/testing and inspection, and take an active and ongoing part in the work of sector groups on the products covered by the GNB (Gruppo degli organismi notificati);
- maintain the requirement for auditors to achieve and retain the level of preparation regulated by ICMQ procedures;
- make ICMQ experience available to Accredia by collaborating on request with working groups, with the aim of improving the effectiveness of the Italian certification system;
- monitor at European and international level the availability of new certification tools which can encourage innovation and quality development in clients’ products and services.
The management of ICMQ is constantly committed to this policy and to checking its correct application; to this end an annual “plan of quality objectives” is produced to establish tasks and deadlines.